"Greg Leunig opens new worlds for readers in this page-turning novel. History and myth and sci-fi come together in a cavalcade of awesomeness--and delivered so smoothly that you won't want to put the book down. A promising new voice on the ever-changing speculative-lit scene."
— Teague von Bohlen, author of Flatland and The Pull of the Earth, and fiction editor of The Copper Nickel.

“Selina Kan, hacker and aspiring archaeologist, investigates the fate of the missing pieces of the Colossus of Rhodes.

Nagash Jensen, former private investigator, is a man on the run from corporate assassins.

Sage Menotti, rogue Interpol agent, tracks a murderer with ties to an ancient organization derived from the Knights Hospitaller.

They don’t know it yet, but each of them orbits a war between clandestine societies over a thousand-year-old secret. Thrown together by fate on the Isle of Rhodes, the three will struggle to survive a corporate hit squad, a mechanized mercenary, two armies of religious fanatics, and each other; all as they march towards a showdown that will transform the world.”



Published by Spaceboy Books on September 2, 2022. Cover art above by Olivia Croom Hammerman.


Kirkus Book Review: “An engaging, SF–enriched tale with striking fantasy elements and diverse characters.” - Kirkus Reviews