So I have this website and I have been wanting to review things for awhile now. But I want to preface any such reviews with the following caveat:
I like stuff. I like to like stuff. I’m academically trained to level a highly critical eye at all forms of story-telling, but in general I’d rather just sit back and let a story take me where it wants to take me. And I’m very good at enjoying things. Weird flex? For some reason, if I view something in the right mindset, all my critical concerns fall away and I have a pretty easy time riding the wave of that story. Super power? I think not. I think plenty of people like to like things, and these reviews are for them.
Does that mean I am automatically going to like something? Of course not. But if you like to like things, like I do, and the things you like to like are generally science fiction and fantasy things, then these reviews are for you. Because here is the problem we face: This world is absolutely full of amazing movies and books and video games and graphic novels, and we just don’t have time to enjoy them all. Perhaps I will help you determine if something I watched or read is worth your time, too!